Project Page

What is omnispaces?
omnispaces is a pure Java open source tuple space, much like javaspaces and tspaces.

Why create another space implementation?
This space was created for a specific need. That need was to provide a very high performance implementation.

What does the space support?
The space supports messaging using Java Strings. In effect, it is very similar to a message queue.

What does the space not support?
Most notably, the space currently does not support serialization, live administration and replication. In addition the space does not support passing Java objects.

Given the other implementations support much more, why would I use this space?
Its very fast and free! In a non-official test, this space performed over 20 times quicker than IBM's tspaces for the same task.

Is the code complete?
The code is fully functional. I have kept the version number low to allow for evolution of the space. We expect that people will want features to be added.

Is anyone using this commercially?
Yes! This is being used by the original owner in an enterprise class solution.

Why release this space for free?
To get more eyes on the code, other developers adding features and to give back to the community. Also to create an implementation with features that people want.

I want a specific feature, can you add it?
Maybe. As long as it makes sense with the design goals. Send a message to the general project mailing list and I will look at it.

I have a question/comment/feedback/etc. not answered here.
Please post a message to the project mailing list.

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